Drug & Alcohol Services
Dauphin County Drug & Alcohol Services is a recognized entity
through the Pennsylvania Overdose Prevention Program

Available by contacting: DauphinPOPP@dauphincounty.gov
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Mission: To serve those affected with substance use disorders by providing high quality prevention, intervention, treatment services and recovery supports in Dauphin County.
Vision: To have healthier families and communities free of substance use disorder.
Service delivery for county residents shall provide accessible and comprehensive care for both adolescents and adults that need treatment, prevention, and/or intervention services. The foundational goals of the service delivery program are:
• The community will have a greater understanding of the health risks related to the use of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs.
• The community will understand the benefits and expected outcomes of drug and alcohol service delivery.
• Services shall be both evidence-based and innovative, which will lead to more diverse treatment options reaching diverse populations.
• Service delivery will be integrated.
• Services will assist clients in maintaining self-sufficient lives.
• Services shall be evaluated, and outcomes measured.
• The principles identified in the Strategic Prevention Framework will continue to inform the planning of prevention services.