Prevention Education

The Dauphin SCA provides services throughout the county focusing on each of the six Federal Strategies: information dissemination, education, alternative activities, problem identification & referral, community-based processes, and environmental strategies. Our department strives to provide evidence-based and evidence-informed prevention education through groups at schools, community centers, summer camps, churches, colleges, and more.  

 With everything we do, we strive to support prevention efforts in Dauphin County, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and beyond by continuing to research and innovate new ways to prevent substance use and help our youth pursue happy, healthy lives. 

Attention all Dauphin County Prevention Providers:

Dauphin County Department of Human Services has issued the Request for Information (RFI) for its upcoming fiscal year. The RFI will be used to help the Department gain a better understanding of available and interested providers to increase our scope of prevention programming in Dauphin County. If you are interested in being a partner, we invite you to complete the RFI linked below and submit it back to us by the deadline of July 15, 2024. Once your submission has been received, it will be sent to all Human Service Departments for potential collaborations with other Departments.

Dauphin County Human Services RFI FY24-25