
101 Market Street
Harrisburg, PA 17101
Phone: (717) 780-6570
About the Controller's Office
The Controller is the elected Chief Fiscal Officer of Dauphin County who supervises fiscal affairs, as set forth by the Pennsylvania County Code for Counties of the Third Class. The Controller is required by these Pennsylvania statutes to maintain and keep all fiscal and accounting records and to assure compliance of all financial and fiscal records in accordance with the latest standards and procedures of the accounting profession. The Controller is required by County Code to maintain custody and stewardship of all County contracts. All such documents are recorded to insure that the physical documents are received after they are approved by the Board of Commissioners. The Controller perpetually monitors all contract, agreement and lease payments to ensure that no payment exceeds the limits or terms of those documents.
Featured Actions
Financial Reporting
The Controller is responsible for filing the County’s Annual Comprehensive Financial Report and associated General Purpose Financial Statements with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Community and Economic Development. The Controller supervises accounting professionals within the County’s fiscal structure and verifies the entry of financial information into the County centralized governmental accounting system. The Controller also reconciles, adjusts and closes all County general ledgers; prepares all County financial statements and accompanying reports
Member of Boards and Committees
The Controller is the Secretary of the Dauphin County Retirement Board, and Dauphin County Salary Board and serves on the Dauphin County Prison Board, and Local Emergency Planning Committee.