Probation Services

Adult Division 

Sally A. Barry | Director

917 Gibson Blvd 
Steelton, PA 17113 
Phone: (717) 780-6900 
Fax: (717) 558-1083 
Juvenile Division 

Chad Libby | Director

100 Chestnut Street
(Second Floor) 
Harrisburg, PA 17101 
Phone: (717) 780-7100 
Fax: (717)780-7099 
Northern Dauphin Human Services Center 
295 State Drive 
Elizabethville, PA 17023 
Phone: (717) 905-2505 


Office Hours: Monday – Friday 8:00AM to 4:30PM  


Featured Actions

We at Probation Services are committed to: 

  • Working collaboratively with Federal, State, and local law enforcement agencies, public health organizations, treatment teams and victims’ rights groups to protect the community and enhance public safety. 

  • Reducing costs and expenditure while maintaining quality probation services by reducing supervision caseloads through the utilization of best practices and continuous evaluation and improvement strategies. 

  • Empowering our Officers by promoting professional integrity, enhancing communication through motivational interviewing, and providing continued classroom and field training opportunities. 

  • Maintaining the public’s trust by adhering to Evidenced Based Practices to best utilize our resources and provide services that are proven to reduce recidivism therefore enhancing the quality of life for all of those in our community. 

EDIT (Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Team) Committee:  

Our goal is to enhance the current standards of DCPS by implementing change in both workplace culture and community interactions.  Our mission is to diversify our staff, our knowledge, and to promote equality for all- regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, ability, sexuality, age, religion, and socioeconomic status.