Garden Faire
Sunday, May 4, 2025
10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Fort Hunter Park | 5300 N. Front Street | Harrisburg, PA 17110

Browse through the plant sale & craft show and enjoy displays, relax over tasty food at the Cafe, and take in the art show and sale.
Garden chats and children's activities are offered, as well as Victorian dancing, and live music. This is a free-admission event with a Victorian accent.
This day also celebrates the opening of Fort Hunter Mansion for the season!
Craft and Garden Vendors | Blooming Plants |Delicious Lunch Options | Victorian Dancing | Croquet | Music | Ikebana & Bonsai Exhibits | Hands-on Children’s Activities | Guided Walks | Native Plants and Pollinators | Maypole Dance|Seed Swap and much more!
We look forward to seeing you at this year's event!

Seed Swap
We invite all gardeners to participate in this year's seed swap! You may contribute either store-bought seeds in their original packaging or home-grown seeds.
All seed packets should include the following:
- Species or common name
- Hybrids must be labeled as such
- Germination test date or month and year donated
- no foreign material (dirt, fertilizer, etc.)

Interested in becoming a vendor? Complete and return the vendor application to be considered for this year's event.