
Dauphin County Commissioners to Begin Live-Streaming Weekly Meetings
In their ongoing commitment to enhanced transparency and community involvement, Dauphin County Commissioners George Hartwick, III, Mike Pries, and Justin Douglas have announced that they will begin live-streaming their weekly commissioners’ meetings.
The commissioners traditionally meet every Wednesday at 10 a.m. These meetings include both workshop and legislative meetings. Items for discussion are placed on the agenda for public review and comment during workshop meetings, and formal action and additional public comment are taken at legislative meetings.
Although both workshop and legislative meetings will be live-streamed, the commissioners will not meet on Wednesday, June 19, which is the Juneteenth holiday.
Meetings will be live-streamed through the county’s Facebook page, at
Announcements & Highlights

Dauphin County Commissioners to Begin Live-Streaming Weekly Meetings
In their ongoing commitment to enhanced transparency and community involvement, Dauphin County Commissioners George Hartwick, III, Mike Pries, and Justin Douglas have announced that they will begin live-streaming their weekly commissioners’ meetings.
The commissioners traditionally meet every Wednesday at 10 a.m. These meetings include both workshop and legislative meetings. Items for discussion are placed on the agenda for public review and comment during workshop meetings, and formal action and additional public comment are taken at legislative meetings.
Although both workshop and legislative meetings will be live-streamed, the commissioners will not meet on Wednesday, June 19, which is the Juneteenth holiday.
Meetings will be live-streamed through the county’s Facebook page, at

Meet the Commissioners
Dauphin County Commissioners are essentially the CEOs of the county, with authority over budgets and finance, debts, contracts, appointment of department heads and staff.