Campaign Finances

Welcome to the Dauphin County Bureau of Registration and Elections’ campaign finance website. This site provides the proper means to report campaign fundraising and spending throughout the year. Campaign finance reports from the year 2011 to the present date are also available to the public.

Candidates seeking to establish committees or file the proper campaign finance reports can access these filings in the "Reporting Forms" section.

PENALTIES - In accordance with the Campaign Finance Reporting Law, those who file required reports after the filing deadline are assessed a late filing fee of $20 per day for the first six days that a report is late, and $10 per day thereafter, up to a maximum penalty of $250.

Campaign Expense Law Booklet

2025 Campaign Finance Calendar

*POST MARKS are acceptable as proof of timely filing when reports are postmarked by the U.S. Postal Service no later than the day prior to the filing deadline.

Click here to find Campaign Finance Reports dating back to 2011.