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Nature Explorers Day Camp Week 2 (Ages 6-8)

Kids running outside

Monday, July 21 to Friday, July 25            9:00 am – 3:00 pm 

Wildwood Park                                             $165 per person

Explorers ages 6 to 8 will learn about animal characteristics, investigate aquatic life in Paxton Creek and experience live animals up close. Each day we will explore a new topic including native plants/flowers, birds, reptiles, rocks/fossils, and invertebrates. Hands-on discovery using microscopes, binoculars, and lab equipment will inspire curiosity. Nature-themed activities and crafts will be included. Please register for only one week; activities and topics will be repeated. Registration is limited to 20 campers.  



Contact Name: Savanna Lenker Contact Phone: 717-221-0292 ext. 4 Contact Email: Registration Link: