Cultural Celebration Essay Contest

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2025 Cultural Celebration Essay Contest Form

2025 Essay Contest Flyer

The essay questions are as follows

  • Ages 6-10: How does your culture shape who you are? OR Write a tribute to one community leader who’s making a difference in your community.
  • Ages 11-14: Describe how you can personally promote diversity in your school and or community. OR If you were to travel to another country, which country would you travel to and why? What are some diverse characteristics about this country?
  • Ages 15-18:  Explore attitudes of your community toward other ethnic groups and share your reflection of those views. OR Share your understanding of current emerging community cultural issues as well as the role that these may play in the assessment of your community’s wellbeing.

  • Three winners will be chosen from each category, awarded cash prizes & recognized
    by the Dauphin County Commissioners.
  • Essays should include the participant’s name, school, grade, age, home address, home phone number and word count on the attached form.


This essay contest is open to any child in Dauphin County.



The entry deadline is 4 p.m. on Monday, June 2, 2025.


Essays should be emailed to or
mailed/delivered to:
Dauphin County Administration Building
Dept. of Human Resources, Attn: Faye Fisher
2 S. Second Street, 5th Floor
Harrisburg, PA 17101