You may call the Dauphin County Bar Association Lawyer Referral Service at 717-232-7536.  If you need assistance with a custody or divorce action, you may call MidPenn Legal Services at 717-232-0581. 


Yes, the fee is .20 per page and cash is the only acceptable form of payment. 

No, the Law Library is only accessible to attorneys during regular business hours. 

No, cash is the only acceptable form of payment. 


The research materials available include Pennsylvania Statutes, Pennsylvania Treatises, Pennsylvania Cases, Published County Opinions, Dauphin County Municipal Ordinances, PBI publications, Federal Statutes, Federal Treatises, and Federal Cases.

The Law Library staff is not permitted to help fill out self-help packets or give legal advice.  

The Self Help Center is located in the Law Library on the Fourth Floor of the Dauphin County Courthouse. 

Westlaw is available free of charge on one computer terminal.