
Dauphin County to Help Seniors Secure $50 Worth of Locally Grown Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
HARRISBURG, PA (May 15, 2024) – The Dauphin County Commissioners and their Area Agency on Aging are partnering with the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture to again offer vouchers to those 60 and over who are income-eligible. The $50 vouchers can be used at local farmers’ markets in Pennsylvania this summer.
If a senior’s annual income is at or below $27,861 for one person, or at or below $37,814, for seniors with two or more in their household, they can receive $50 in the form of five $10 vouchers. Because farmers’ markets cannot give change for each voucher, seniors are encouraged to buy at least $10 worth of fresh foods with each voucher purchase.
Vouchers can be used only for fruits and vegetables grown in Pennsylvania. Thus, bananas, oranges, grapefruits, mangoes and pineapples are among those items excluded purchases. The vouchers also cannot be used at grocery stores and supermarkets—only farmers’ markets --. nor can they be used for honey, nuts, jams, cider or baked goods.
Items such as corn on the cob, peppers, potatoes, green beans, carrots and tomatoes are eligible.
To acquire a voucher, seniors are reminded that the process has changed from prior years. Please complete a short application and mail or email it to the county Area Agency on Aging. You can find it on the website at or call 717-780-6209. When approved, vouchers will be mailed to applicants for use beginning June 1.