
Commissioners to Host Veterans' Breakfast
Dauphin County Commissioners to Host Veterans’ Breakfast May 23
HARRISBURG, PA (May 8, 2024) – Dauphin County Commissioners George Hartwick, III, Justin Douglas, and Mike Pries invite veterans in Dauphin County to a free breakfast at 8 am on Thursday, May 23 at the Lower Swatara Twp. Fire Hall.
They will discuss benefits and services, fraud prevention and other timely topics.
“As we remember those who paid the ultimate price for our freedom on Memorial Day weekend, our breakfast will honor those who we are blessed to have in our midst, living in the communities they helped to protect and defend,” said Commissioner Pries, who has oversight of the Veterans Affairs Department. “Our breakfast is just another opportunity to personally thank the men and women who were willing to give their all in defense of our nation. It’s also a time of camaraderie and information-sharing that is always inspiring for us to see. Our veterans are the personification of courage, sacrifice and service above self, and we look forward to hosting them.”
Veterans are asked to kindly RSVP by May 17 to Veterans Affairs Director Tom Coreau at