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Owl Prowl

Owl in a tree

Friday, December 8                                     5:30 pm – 7:00 pm 

Wiconisco Creek Park                                  $2 per participant 

Join a Naturalist for a night-time stroll at Wiconisco Creek Park. Discover WHO may be calling in the night and the eight different species of owls found in Pennsylvania. A 1-mile walk will lead us along Wiconisco Creek in search of nocturnal hunters. This prowl will focus on using our sense of hearing while listening for responses to owl calls. Dress for the weather and wear proper footwear. Space is limited. Pre-registration required.  









Contact Name: Kayla Harbert Contact Phone: 717-780-6701 Contact Email: kharbert@dauphincounty.gov Registration Link: https://wiconisco-creek-park.ticketleap.com/owl-prowl-2023/